Marketing IntensiveS

$2500/Power Day Investment

Each marketing intensive consists of a 6 hour 1-1 session with Elizabeth and her team to create 1 year of content in a specific area of focus. For example, creating a website in a day or 12+ months of social media in one day. We call these intensives Power Days. Together we will create content that reflects you and your business/organization. Get it all done without the stress and overwhelm of not knowing what to do next. Elizabeth and her team guide you through the entire process from start to finish. When you leave the session, you have a completed project that is live and you can start using today!


  • Hands-on sessions with a member of the AM team

  • 1-1 implementation, consulting, and training in the topic of your choice

  • Access to tools and resources to automate your marketing

  • You end the sessions with a completed project

  • 6-hour session (split over 2 days, 1-2 weeks apart) built with your schedule in mind - Evenings and Weekends Available


Choose 1 or More 6 Hour Sessions

  • Doing everything right when it comes to marketing, yet still not getting the business you want or feel you deserve? From Mindset to Marketing strategies, this session will boost your brand, create confidence in the direction of your business and give you the tools you need to connect with your ideal audience. A CONNECTED BRAND is paramount when achieving success in any industry or capacity.

    ✔️Custom Logo Design

    ✔️Mission, Vision, Strategy

    ✔️Completed EBOOK for Email Opt-In

  • In one day, we will work together to create your website and allow others to connect with your message. This experience is fast-paced and designed to help you make decisions that do not need to be labored over. You deserve a beautiful website that clients will want to use and you will want to share. We have all confidence that after this session, you will walk away with a better, more complete understanding of your Website and how to use it! Jump in and let’s get your site built today!

    ✔️Fully Functional Launched Website

    ✔️Usability Testing & Accessibility Setup

    ✔️Online Booking & ECommerce Setup

  • Social Media can be the bane of our existence as a business, but it is one of our greatest assets. The problem comes when learning and keeping up with all the changes is like standing on shifting sand! We have created an algorithm-proof method for creating 12 months of social media posts in literally 1 day. This is a hands-on program, and we will be working together for the entire day. Think, if you only had to post WHEN you WANTED to not when your social media gremlin said it was time.

    ✔️Connecting Social Media and Email Marketing to your website

    ✔️Create a Content Calendar

    ✔️Create, Write, Find and Schedule 6-12 months of Social Media Posts

  • You know blogging is a great way to gain an internet presence and have a lasting impact on your brand and SEO. But what if you are not a natural writer? What if you don’t have anything to say? 1: Everyone can blog, I promise. 2: You DO have something to say. You own a business, of course, you have something to say! Take one day and slay this marketing dragon with confidence. Create 1 year of blog posts in one day.

    ✔️How to find your writing voice

    ✔️Building epic blog titles and Easy ways to create blog graphics

    ✔️Create, Write, Brand, and Schedule 12 months of Posts

  • Email is dead, isn’t it? WHOA! Wait just a minute there…. No, once and for all email is NOT dead. Think about one of the first things you do each weekday (and weekend if you’re honest)… Yup, Check your email. We all do. Plus, it probably has that annoying little number on the icon… yeah… that’s just junk, right? NO! It’s Touches. We all know it takes 7-10 touches for someone to recognize a brand. Our automated approach takes a huge amount of work out of the process and leaves you with solid leads and greater brand awareness. So, Why aren’t you using email marketing again?

    ✔️Writing subject lines that get opened

    ✔️Easy ways to create stunning graphics

    ✔️Create, Write, Brand, and Schedule 12 months of Email Campaigns

  • Want to start your own podcast? It only takes one day. Whether you are starting from the ground up or want to relaunch your existing podcast, this 1-day training intensive allows us to help you focus. Creating the perfect intro, outro, figuring out editing, and hosting, can be overwhelming. Not to mention the audio equipment. (Psst, you don’t need any!) Seriously, you need to try a Power Day!

    ✔️Podcast Branding (Music, Podcast Cover, Intro/Outro)

    ✔️Design Show Structure

    ✔️Create your Show HOW TO Doc

    ✔️Write, Record, & Publish 1-2 Episodes

  • Being a guest on podcasts is one of the best things you can do for your business. If talking about your business comes naturally to you, you should be on podcasts! However, it can be difficult to get started. Do you have a difficult time trying to create the perfect pitch for podcast hosts? Tired of feeling like your pitch is not working? We will help you craft an effective, to-the-point pitch that will get you on podcasts, find and apply to podcasts that make sense for you & help you create a Podcast Guest One Sheet.

  • As entrepreneurs, we create a metric ton of content. Videos for that thing, Pdfs for this thing, courses, seminars, webinars, etc. Where does one put it all? How can you harness the power of all your creations in one simple, easy-to-use, and elegant format? Create a membership, of course! Charge a small fee or make it free. That is all up to you! Embrace a billion files you have on your computer. Make it worth your while and of benefit to your audience.

    ✔️Find the right platform

    ✔️Decide on your pricing

    ✔️Connect all integrations

  • You bring the Mess, we fix it together! No more paying marketing coaches thousands for years to achieve your goals and experience success.


    An encourager | A technically trained guide | An inspirer

    Each coaching session is designed to bring out your best, give you ideas and resources, and hold you accountable for your goals. As a coach, Elizabeth is always tough but fair. She wants you to succeed and dares you to dream as big as she does for you.

    How would your business be different if:

    ✔️Your marketing tasks were completed as if by magic

    ✔️You had more time with family and to RELAX

    ✔️You had a marketing genius on speed dial

  • Have you ever just needed to ask a question? Just wanted an older “sister” to show you the ropes, make you think, and reach out of your comfort zone? Elizabeth loves helping marketers see themselves as the world does, LEGIT and WORTH IT! Being a marketer, she knows it is the hardest to do your own “stuff”. She will look at your business with fresh eyes, share her insights and tips on how you can work smarter not harder.

    Whether that is branding, your website, or any of the other awesome topics in our power day roster, We will cover as many as we can in one day. We treat this more like an A La Carte Day. You know your stuff and implementation usually isn’t your stumbling block. It’s the darn brainstorming, How can you brainstorm with yourself? Right, you can’t! Book a day and see what is possible for you this year!

For the Business Owner who has tried it all… 

  • You need marketing support now and it needs to be cost-effective. 

  • You want to take a deep dive into each marketing avenue on a condensed timeline rather than wasting time you don’t have. I got you!

  • You want a personalized strategy, but what you really want is someone done with you/done for you implementation.

  • You want a quick action plan that can help you start/continue marketing yourself with less time, effort, and treasure. I’m talking a done with/for you fully-customized fully-implemented complete year of marketing content ready in just 5 days.

Tired of Marketers and Coaches who don’t deliver?

Stop being Overwhelmed, Frustrated, and Confused!

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